6th November 2024
Charles taxes the NHS
£11.4 million – that’s how much King Charles made from letting the NHS rent a warehouse to store its ambulances.
Rapid expansion of PA roles
NHS Employers has set out guidance on employing physician associates (PAs), which advises those employing physician assistants (PAs) to ‘review adverts and job descriptions’ for the role to ensure they do not ‘blur the lines’ between PAs and doctors.
NHS needs in-sourcing
New We Own It research shows the NHS loses £10 million a week to private profit from outsourced NHS services. Plus, the reasons why outsourcing is a failed policy.
Trust threats tenants eviction
Workers housed in on-site accommodation blocks face eviction by Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust.
New £1.5 billion for NHS capital spend
The NHS will be given an additional £1.5 billion in capital funding next year to spend on new surgical hubs and scanners. Of course, where the trained staffing comes from is a separate matter.