Health News Blog
Edited by Ken Kirk

4th March 2025
Streeting says NHS 'not up for grabs'
Streeting says The NHS will not be “on the table” during US-UK trade negotiations. Can we take him at his word? Like Blair before him, is again insisting that the key to improving performance is competition.
Another death from a PA misdiagnosis
A coroner has issued a warning about the role of physician associates after a woman with severe abdominal problems was wrongly diagnosed as having a nosebleed and died four days later.
Invest in the NHS not private sector
Please sign this petition and pass on to others.
All trusts must use FDP
NHS England has insisted that all trusts must use the Federated Data Platform (FDP). You may know it's to be developed by US spy ware firm Palantir, owned by Trump supporter Peter Thiel.
Wasteful NHS expenditure in litigation
The North West ambulance Service, together with has been delivering non-emergency transport since July 2016. However, the four ICBs have jointly decided not to award any contract to any provider at this time. It comes after the procurement received two legal challenges.
24th February 2025
Streeting got £300K from private healthcare
Wonder why Streeting demands NHS "reforms"? Are "reforms" code for privatisation? He has benefited from donations totalling £311,400 from sources connected to private healthcare.
Surely not PFI again?
You would think we have learned our lesson not to repeat the calamity that was the Private Finance Initiative (PFI). But our esteemed chief of NHS England, Amanda Pritchard, backs a return of private investment to improve hospital buildings.
FDP to get GP data
NHS England has approved the inclusion your GP data into the Federated Data Platform, they say for academic research. Can you opt your data out? Yes, but not for these reasons.
12th February 2025
BMA sues GMC over physician assistants
The BMA, the doctors’ union, will take its regulator, the General Medical Council, to court this week over its decision to call physician associates “medical professionals”. The BMA says patient safety is being put at risk by a blurring of the lines between doctors and PAs.
PAs don't help GPs
A review of research on PAs by Oxford Professor Trish Greenhalgh states: 'There is no evidence that PAs add value in primary care and some evidence suggesting that they do not'.
Don't know Palantir? then read this...
Palantir supplies Israel with predictive policing software used to harrass and detain Palestinians. NHS England has now handed our health data to Palantir and £330 million of public money despite warnings from data privacy experts. You can opt your health data out here and here's a campaign toolkit.
111 failed to send an ambulance
A call handler for the out-of-hours service in the Bristol area failed to immediately send for an ambulance. The service is run by private health firm Care UK.
Campaigners call for hospital building now
"There is a serious crisis in acute care and ..... very long waits in A&E." Keep Our NHS Public Leeds was calling on the government to invest in the NHS.
3rd February 2025
Guess how many NHS England employs ...
On a full-time equivalent basis the answer is 1.3 million. There is a clear power shift from NHSE to the Department of Health and Social Care as identified here in this HSJ article.
Shameful waste of NHS funding
Imagine there was no such activity as commissioning and trusts simply set up services according to need.
Physician assistants hired despite concerns
A recruitment plan has been launched despite the controversy about the quality of care that PAs provide.
PAs 'have no role in the NHS'
The chair of the Royal College GPs, Professor Kamila Hawthorne, said in a letter that expressed concern over patient safety. This position was reached after GPs reported ‘specific’ examples of patient safety being compromised.