10th July 2024

The NHS must be set back on its feet once more
Here’s a reaction to the election of a Labour government from Keep Our NHS Public. “Delivering on health care is a good place to start, and it is an urgent priority to fully invest in the NHS, including committing to full pay restoration for NHS staff.”

Labour’s NHS pledges analysed
“Blair-Brown government [NHS] performance was improved precisely by increasing funding and investing in staff, making the NHS one of the best services in the world” …”Myths of unaffordability and the efficiency of privatised services need to be dispelled and the vital role of public health reaffirmed.”

How privatised eye care hurts the NHS
“The effect of outsourcing – a ‘hollowing out’ of NHS eye care departments due to the loss of income and activity from cataract care has the potential to leave the NHS eye care departments as a ‘poor service for poor people’.

Why not privatise the NHS?
For an analysis of why privatising the NHS a) gives a poorer service b) is poor value for money, and c) the effect upon the publicly provided NHS, see this Keep Our NHS Public briefing.

Rolling back privatisation
Campaigner John Lister points out Labour’s Manifesto commitment to roll back privatisation in public services. “Before any service is contracted out, public bodies must carry out a quick and proportionate public interest test, to understand whether that work could not be more effectively done in-house.” We wait to see it carried out for privatised NHS services!