11th May 2022

Acute pressure on NHS 111 is ‘shocking’
A senior nurse tells how the NHS 111 telephone advice service is increasingly unable to help those who ring seeking help. This is just one result of years of underfunding; and a staffing crisis.

Shortage of GPs and their mental health
“This is a crisis for GPs and an emergency for patients. Years of underfunding and neglect have severely damaged general practice leaving us with a skeleton staff across Great Britain and no plan for filling the gaps.”

Tory donors given public health jobs
One, Oluwole Kolade, is a partner of Livingbridge, a private equity firm with extensive investments in private healthcare. Another, Simon Blagden, donated £376,000 to the Tories; he has been made a member of the UK Health Security Agency advisory board. UKHSA replaced Public Health England in April 2021.