11th November 2021

Warnings of impending NHS crisis
A number of news sources have issued a warning that the NHS is on the verge of collapsing. Firstly, a respected CEO of a trust said his trust was in a “profound crisis”, and that it “was ceasing to function as a hospital”. Another said “This is far worse than January”. A survey of NHS leaders confirmed this; it found that patient safety is being put at “unacceptably high” risk.

Bed occupancy already at winter levels
The CEO NHS Providers said the situation was unprecedented and “very worrying” as exhausted hospital staff prepare not only for higher levels of Covid but other respiratory infections such as influenza. Bed occupancy is generally above 90%; a recommended level to avoid cross infection is no higher than 85%.

NHS is being “deprofessionalised”
Here’s further evidence of on-going Conservative plans to cut funding at all costs regardless of health outcomes by lowering professional standards of healthcare workers. Senior nursing roles are being advertised to those with no nursing qualification.

Hour-long ambulance waits quadruple
A leak reveals that ambulance waits for hand-overs at A&Es are rapidly getting worse. The number of waits over one hour has quadrupled in the last year.