12th April 2023

Why doctors are striking
A junior doctor says: “I’m striking because in emergency medicine, things have become so unsafe it is not tenable to continue.” This is the result of years of Tory underfunding, not Covid.

NHSE: British bid for data platform rejected
NHS England has rejected the British bid to run the federated data platform (FDR), and has therefore signalled its intention to give the contract to Palantir, a company that has spent most of its history helping the powerful abuse the powerless. Examples are the CIA’s dirty wars in Afghanistan, the Los Angeles Police’s racist predictive policing scheme, Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s brutal operations at the US-Mexico border. Say ‘No to Palantir’ here.

PFI firm left hospital unsafe
A PFI contractor left a hospital in an unsafe condition for nine months after a fire which required patients to be evacuated. The Whittington Health Trust was left responsible for the maintenance and costs of refurbishments, and the trust has been pursuing the firm for these costs.

NHS 111 abandoning millions of calls
Patients contacting NHS 111 in England are having to wait so long for medical help that they are abandoning millions of calls, with 3.6 million ditched in the past 12 month.