13th December 2021

NHS bill: US corporates seize our health service
We all know that the U.S. healthcare system is a thing of nightmares, but now we’re creating our own version of it. The Health and Social Care Bill going through parliament converts our once efficient NHS into US-style Accountable Care.

NHS bill: it’s really rationing and more privatisation
The government tells us that the bill will support the NHS in tackling its backlog, including by promoting ‘integration’ with social care. But no plausible explanation of how the bill will achieve that is offered. The care system languishes, privatised, means-tested, short-staffed, fragmented, unaccountable and underfunded.

Patient harm ‘a continuing theme’
This HSJ piece is behing a paywall but you see enough. Ambulance trusts are as underfunded as others. It tells us of incidents including a cardiac arrest where an ambulance took more than an hour to arrive and the patient died. They cannot prevent patient harm under their current funding levels.

The catastrophic failure of Test and Trace
Our private Test and Trace system has cost £37,000 million so far and it’s a disaster. It’s failed to prevent further lockdowns, it must now “wean itself off its persistent reliance on consultants” who charge £1000 per day.

46 ‘VIP’ deals awarded before proper due diligence
At least 46 PPE deals were awarded to firms put in a special “VIP lane” by Conservative ministers, MPs and officials during the Covid pandemic before a formal due diligence process was put in place.