27th May 2022

Is your health data at risk?
The government has become acutely aware of the commercial value of our personal data, especially our sensitive health data. This raises concerns that existing protections for sensitive patient data may be undermined by new measures to allow greater commercial access.

Ambulance service will collapse in August
This is behind a paywall, but in essence a struggling ambulance trust could face collapse entirely this summer if the region’s worsening problems with hospital handover delays are not taken more seriously.

‘Barn theatre’: what about staffing?
This is being hailed as a fantastic idea, but does it address the root cause of waiting lists at all? Does having a larger theatre achieve anything when there’s a shortage of staff?

Thousands of NHS workers may quit
Health leaders fear significant numbers of lower-paid workers will leave for higher wages in the private sector amid rising food and heating bills and soaring inflation.

Nurse fined over pay protest wins compensation
A 61-year-old mental health nurse who worked throughout the pandemic, received a £10,000 fixed penalty notice for organising the protest on 7 March 2021 over the government’s proposed 1% pay rise. Manchester police has now accepted that the fines were unlawfully imposed.