14th October 2021

Gvnt’s Covid response “worst public health failure”
A joint select committee report says that the government were slow to instigate a lockdown and the privatised test, trace and isolate system was slow, uncertain and often chaotic, and it still is!

BMA report: shows how severe medical shortages have become
This report illustrates just how severe medical workforce shortages in England have become. Necessary investment in the medical workforce can no longer be justifiably put off by our politicians.

Consultancy contract gave ‘no tangible savings’
This article is behind a paywall, but it tells how yet another consultants contract, this costing £7 million, is worthless.

Private hospitals treated just 8 Covid patients a day
The Treasury block-booked the entire capacity of all 7,956 beds in England’s 187 private hospitals along with their almost 20,000 staff to help supplement the NHS, costing £400 million a month. Yet they barely treated any Covid patients.