19th April 2023

“GPs aren’t just exhausted, we are broken”
Read this anonymous piece from a person forced by overwork and stress to give up being a GP. “We are making personal, financial, emotional and health sacrifices to keep services running for our patients and we cannot continue. We aren’t just exhausted. We are broken. And we are leaving.”

Trump donor’s firm to run NHS data
The NHS is using a US surveillance tech company owned by a billionaire Trump donor. “Good medical care requires people to tell their doctors things they may not even tell their loved ones. But NHS England has given Palantir the green light to suck in their information without asking the public.” Say ‘No to Palantir’.

Private hospitals get £500m, but fewer got seen
The government handed almost half a billion pounds to private healthcare companies to fix the NHS backlog last year, yet is still struggling to treat any more patients than it was. The number of patients being treated overall has not yet recovered to pre-pandemic levels.

Private hospitals demand bigger profit margin
Private hospitals will turn away from NHS work unless the health service increases the rates it pays, some of the country’s largest independent providers have told NHS England. Well let’s hope the government redirect this funding into hiring desperately needed nurses and doctors.