1st April 2022

Shrewsbury and Telford maternity scandal
Maternity crises are not limited to the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital trust. The Royal College of Midwives has been warning of a crisis in NHS midwifery, but the Tories have consistently ignored appeals from many professional bodies.

Ockenden: need a maternity-wide workforce plan
Here’s an extract from the report, page xi, into the maternity scandal at the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital trust. “…there is an urgent need for a robust and funded maternity-wide workforce plan, starting right now, without delay and continuing over multiple years.” Will the government act?

ICSs told: ‘Break even in 2022-23’
Campaigners have feared that Integrated Care Systems will bring rationing of care. Now Javid is making it clear that’s exactly what we’ll get.

Campaigners force hospital to remain open
Campaigners in the South Lakes have won their battle to keep the Westmoreland General hospital open. Congratulations to them; it proves campaigning works.

Overseas nurses forced to pay 000s to quit
Nurses recruited from overseas working in hospitals and private care homes are trapped in their jobs by clauses in their contracts that require them to pay thousands of pounds if they try to leave.

Stop the Vaccine Manufacturing Centre sell off
The Vaccine Manufacturing and Innovation Centre was launched in 2018 using public money. The centre develops vaccines to help the UK deal with pandemics like COVID 19. Now the Tories want to sell it off. Sign the petition against it here.