20th November 2023

‘Labour will hold door open to private sector’
For those who know that an entirely publicly-run NHS provides the most efficient way to run the NHS, the shadow health secretary’s words are alarming. Are we really going to continue Tory government’s mistakes? Evidence shows that privatisation of NHS services results in worse outcomes. Here’s a collation of NHS privatised disasters in recent years.

Who’s really to blame?
An analysis of  Care Quality Commission reports shows that of the 254 general hospitals seven were rated as “inadequate” and 122 as “requires improvement” – 51% of the total. If over half of all general hospitals are rated less than satisfactory what concusion should we draw? There are 40000 nurse vacancies, staff disatisfaction is at a record low, waiting lists at a record high, so is the primary problem the management of hospitals?

Private healthcare firms and home care
More than 500,000 patients rely on private companies paid by the NHS to deliver healthcare to their homes. A report by the Lords public services committee says patients are being harmed due to “real and serious problems” with the services provided by for-profit companies.

40 hospitals programme “mired in delay”
Boris Johnson’s flagship 40 hospital building programme, now down to 32, is mired in delays and unlikely to deliver on time. A cross-party committee of MPs said “very little has happened from the perspective of patients” since the programme was announced.