21st June 2022

Palantir: the operating system for the NHS?
It doesn’t tell you much, but gives the background to Palantir’s owner, Peter Thiel, a billionaire Trump backer. Palantir develops surveillance systems, sold technology to the military, and developed predictive policing systems. It seems that the Tories are offering Palantir our unique NHS data.

Tories ‘manager bash’ to hide NHS crisis
NHS Confederation chief executive Matthew Taylor tells us they’ve been in charge of our health service for 12 years and now the mess they’ve made of it is blamed on NHS managers.

UK votes to maintain Covid monopolies
The UK government has sided with bid pharma’s monopoly profits instead of the lives of people across the world. The Johnson government blocked a move to suspend monopolies on Covid vaccines.

NHS under winter pressure now
NHS England’s chief Amanda Pritchard admitted that cuts to the number of beds had gone too far. She blamed hospitals being left unable to admit a growing number of seriously ill people and patients being left stranded in the back of ambulances on inadequate social care.

Racism risks losing BAME staff
In a report on racism in the medical profession the British Medical Association paints an alarming picture of institutional barriers to career progression, dangerously low levels of reporting of racist incidents and a growing mental health burden on minority ethnic doctors.