23rd February 2022

NHS bill: destroys the Bevan model of care
The bill has been presented with positive buzzwords around integration and collaboration. But campaigners warn that the new proposals are a form of privatisation by stealth. For the first time since the creation of the NHS the state will continue to fund healthcare in England but largely abstain from being involved in its organisation.

NHS bill: campaigners discuss its impact
Peter Roderick and Allysson Pollock discuss the impact of the NHS Bill, revealing how rules governing who gets healthcare will be made by NHS England not parliament. It’s the Americanisation of our health service.

New testing centres need 6000 new staff
In a headline catching announcement in October last year, the government plans to set up new regional early diagnostic testing centres. But where will the 6000 staff needed for them come from?

Profit motives have no place in our health service
Under the lastest contract with private hospitals they will be paid a minimum amount up to £90 million per month, a substantially higher rate than the NHS.

Inequality in the NHS
A new report shows that the health service, like other institutions, has a deep-seated problem, a blight that Covid has made harder to ignore.