23rd July 2021

Nurses have lost over £1500 in pay
After taking inflation into account nurses have lost over £1500 in annual pay since 2011. Here’s a chart of the different groups of NHS workers showing how they have fared since 2011.

NHS leaders dismayed: they have to fund pay rise
Hospital trusts, already massively underfunded compared with nearly every other developed nation, will have fund most of the nurses’ pay rise; from existing budgets. This must impact the levels of care they provide.

Is 3% an adequate reward?
The inflation rate for this year is 3.7%. Is a 3% rise for nurses a fair reward for their efforts through the pandemic? No wonder the NHS is struggling to recruit staff.

NHS data grab: September target dropped
Even the revised September deadline has been cancelled as the government says it is  “committed to improving the way patients can see how their data is used, including publishing which organisations have used what type of data.” Do you trust them?