24th July 2022

BMJ: “underfunding in the past decade”
The British Medical Journal and the Health Service Journal have written a joint editorial speaking of 2022 that was meant to be the year of full speed recovery. But the NHS is in crisis; “this brutal situation is the culmination of prolonged periods of underfunding in the past decade, lack of a workforce plan, and failure to undertake social care reform.”

Test and Trace spent £450 million on consultants
You will remember that Johnson said the Test and Trace system is world-beating. Now it’s announced by Jennie Harries on the Health Protection Agency that it spent more than £450 million on management consultants during the pandemic.

Government: fund pay rise from existing budgets
The pay rise described by workers as “disgusting” will give a 5% increase but the health service will be forced foot some of the bill, the Treasury will fund only 3%. This means cuts, possibly allowing posts to remain unfilled when workers leave and fewer hospital beds.

Ambulance hand-overs: NHSE says “take risks”
Behind a paywall but the essence is that NHS England is encouraging hospital trusts to take risks that will “involve the creation of observation areas” – in other words care in hospital corridors. I can imagine A&E nurses saying that they already do! Anything but fund the service adequately.

Covid inquiry: gov’t spent £2m on legal advice
Does the government fear what the Covid inquiry will reveal? The Health and Social Care department has signed a £2.2 million contract with international law firm Pinsent Masons to provide additional resources and expertise to support “its contribution to the inquiry”.