27th September 2023

How much does your ICS give private companies?
Keep Our NHS Public has produced databases for campaigners to explore NHS private sector contracts awarded through the ICBs, Trusts and Foundation Trusts. Find out how much your Integrated Care Board pays out your money to private companies.

Private contract terminated after service failures
An Integrated Care Board has dismissed a private healthcare company and handed the contract back to the publicly-run NHS following concerns about performance and staffing problems.

Immigrant cancer patient given a £76K bill
Omisha was 10 months old when she was diagnosed with a rare form of liver cancer. She needed a liver transplant. The NHS saved her life. Sign her petition against the £76000 bill her parents have been asked for by Barking, Redbridge and Havering Hospital Trust.

Tory donor handed £135 million in NHS contracts
Frank Hester owns a healthcare tech company that supplies computer systems to the NHS. He gave the Tories £5 million this year. His company received £137 million NHS contracts since April 2020. He is the only sharehoilder.