29th May 2024

Labour to clear waiting list without more staff?
Starmer promises that the backlog of about 3.2 million people now waiting more than 18 weeks for NHS treatment will be cleared within five years. But unless Labour confronts the longstanding staff shortages it’s not possible. First, a Labour government will have to deal with NHS pay the value of which has fallen in the last decade.

Junior doctors to strike just before election
Junior doctors in England are to strike for five days in the week leading up to the general election. Keir Starmer vowed to “get in the room” with junior doctors to settle the pay dispute. Well it’s likely he’ll get the chance.

Millions of patients wait 2 weeks for a GP
In September 2022, the government said patients would be able to see a family doctor within two weeks of booking a consultation. Thérèse Coffey, then the health secretary,promised to prioritise the issue. Now more than 5 million patients a month are waiting longer than a fortnight for a GP appointment.

BMA chair calls for GP resignations
The chair of the GP committee, Dr Katie Bramall-Stainer, said that GPs should consider resigning from the  NHS over the way they are treated by the government.