2nd November 2022

Palantir: and you can’t opt out
NHS Digital is to use Palantir software to gather data about patients’ admission, inpatient, discharge and outpatient activity at acute hospitals. It includes patients’ NHS numbers, date of birth, and postcode.

Trusts outsource back office services
Five East Anglian trusts have agreed a contract hand over their back office work to NHS Shared Business Services, a firm jointly owned by the DHSC and french firm Sopra Steria.

Budget: Stop the Cuts
Add your name to a petition to demonstrate your support against any cuts to NHS funding in Sunak’s coming Autumn statement. Demand that Rishi Sunak stops putting the wealth of the super-rich ahead of the lives of NHS patients.

Hear the 4 reasons for the NHS crisis
A&E doctor Dr Andrew Meyerson clearly states the 4 reasons why the NHS is in crisis, and it comes down to the lack of government funding. “It doesn’t need organisational reform, it needs 1. more funding 2. more staff 3. more beds 4. more social care.”

£500 million: Where is it?
Ministers announced they were granting £500 million to get thousands of medically fit patients out of hospital into either their own home or a care home. Hospitals and care homes have not yet received a single penny.