30th December 2022

Public support for striking nurses
Half of voters think the government should negotiate on pay, even if that means having to award more than the pay body recommends. Only 23% think they should not negotiate with unions.

NHS in crisis: Barclay gets a telling off
A mother of a three year old with systic fibrosis rebukes the health secretary about the state of our NHS.

“I regularly see colleagues in tears…”
A consultant says “How does NHSE suggest we respond to these strikes? Suggests that hospitals move patients out of emergency departments in preparation or open extra beds. Oh, and try not to cancel any planned care while you’re at it. To say I find this insulting is an understatement.”

No money for nurses as billionaires wealth rises
Nurse with 30 years service: ““I will arrive just before 7am, leave at 7.30pm, and take my full 30-minute unpaid meal break.” Her annual leave has been taken in two or three-day snatches, whenever staffing allowed.

Record high as nurse vacancies hit 50,000
The number of unfilled nurse vacancies have risen to a record high of almost 50,000; this as it’s revealed that NHS paid £500,000 a year to nurses recruitment agencies. In 2017 the Conservative government abolished the nurse training bursary.

4 in 10 junior doctors plan to quit NHS
A third of junior doctors are planning to work in another country. Four in 10 say that as soon as they can find another job, they will leave the NHS.