30th January 2023

Coroner issues ‘risk of future deaths’
Lyn Brind, 61, was taken to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in King’s Lynn with chest pains but could not be admitted because the hospital had “no space”. She died after a 4 hour wait in an ambulance. The coroner took the unusual step of writing to Steve Barclay to raise concerns about the NHS and social care. Will he do anything to genuinely improve things?

Ambulance waits: 57000 patients at risk of harm’
Thousands of people suffered harm as a result of delays in ambulances handing over patients to A&E teams in December. Here’s an example, who’s responsible for this state of affairs?

Another headline grabbing plan
The government have come up with a crackpot ‘hospitals at home’ plan, patients cared for by video link. I suppose it makes it look as if they’re doing something.

Labour taken to task over their “plans”
Keir Starmer’s prescription for the NHS is both vacuous and dangerous. The major “reform” needed is significant long-term investment to reverse the managed decline initiated by Tory austerity measures.