3rd November 2021

Next NHSE chair is former Centene boss
This HSJ article has a paywall but it tells us that among the job requirements is  “maintain strong business relationships with key private sector stakeholders”. Just what an NHS privatising government needs, a chair who ran the US insurance company that took over 49 surgeries, .

Governemnt ignores NHS staffing crisis
There’s likely to be a “mass exodus” of GPs from the NHS, 1 in 5 nurse posts are unfilled, NHS Providers, which represents NHS trusts, said staff shortages were “the health service’s biggest problem”.  Yet Javid delays his staff plan until the Spring of 2022.

Covid contract win-win for private hospitals
Government spin said the multi-billion-pound plan for private hospitals gives “vital buffer capacity”. It turns out that the private sector cared for just 0.08% of the national total of COVID patients. On average, the private hospital sector cared for eight COVID patients a day while the NHS averaged 10,000.

NHS test-trace contractor cuts pay
Mitie, who employ 1,000 people at mobile testing sites, has told workers that from 8 November they will be guaranteed pay for an 8 hour shift rather than the current 12 hours, slashing secure pay to £80 a day from £120.