4th July 2022

Labour plan for a National Care Service
We’ll wait for real details for what has been obvious for years, the need for a government funded social care service. There’s some prevarication by Streeting when he says ‘We would not be able to deliver this overnight or even in a single parliament.’

Palantir has ‘no place in the NHS’
Palantir, owned by Trump backer Peter Thiel, criticised for its work with the US immigration agency, as well as its intelligence service and defence contracts, is the favourite to win a £360 million contract for the NHS’s Federated Data Platform. Foxglove says Palentir “makes no secret of its desire to keep profiting from war and surveillance”.

Shrinking GP numbers ‘threat to patient safety’
In a speech Professor Martin Marshall, chair of the Royal College of GPs warns that continuity of care is becoming almost impossible to deliver on the NHS amid soaring demand and shrinking numbers of GPs in what he will describe as the “most worrying crisis in decades”.

Public backs the NHS despite right-wing wreckers
In an opinion piece Polly Toynbee takes on the right-wing press for naysaying the NHS. The true comparison with similar countries is that France and Germany have always spent more, with many more beds, doctors and nurses per head of population. The moaners omit the fact that from 2010 saw the harshest NHS funding cuts ever, which began with deep cuts to doctor and nurse training, whose effects we feel now.