6th December 2021

£60 million to Deloitte of your taxes
That’s how much the Tory government has handed over to Deloitte for what the Public Accounts Committee has described as our ‘failing’ Test and Trace system.

FT: We must spend more on health and social care
Alas behind a paywall, but quotes the Institute for Fiscal Studies “between 2009−10 and 2019−20 UK government health spending grew at an average real-terms rate of 1.6 per cent per year — lower than any previous decade in NHS history.” And we must spend more wisely, not as above.

Please sign to protect the NHS
A We Own It petition asking The House of Lords to protect the NHS aganist the NHS Bill, and pass on to others.

Minister’s should face misconduct charges
The People’s Covid Inquiry formed by Keep Our NHS Public and lead by Michael Mansfield QC, said there had been “serious governance failures” at Westminster that contributed to tens of thousands of avoidable deaths.

“Pandemics aren’t new, we were so unprepared”
So says Roy Lilley. The fact that we were so unprepared was underlined when the under-resourced PHE was binned and replaced by the UK Health Security Agency, with a budget fit for a small country.