6th January 2022

NHS ‘on deathrow due to Tory underfunding’
Here’s a number of letters pointing the finger at the reason for the parlous state of the NHS; whereas this is a summary of how the NHS was allowed to get in this condition, and, this exposes real Tory thinking on the NHS.

NHS leaders warn ‘act now on staffing crisis’
The NHS went into the pandemic with 40,000 nurse vacancies. Now, owing to staff Covid absences, it’s in close to collapse. NHS leaders state the obvious – millions of patients will suffer worsening quality of care unless ministers take immediate action to alleviate the staffing crisis. But while the government throws billions at the private sector the publicly-run NHS is left on life support.

20 trusts declare a ‘critical incident’
More than 20 hospital trusts have now declared a ‘critical incident’ amid staggering staffing shortages caused by the rapid spread of Omicron.

New Nightingale hubs, but where are the staff?
This is behind a paywall but tells the places where the new hubs will be. It also says. “The units would be led by hospital consultants and nurses, but with … staff brought in with rapid training to be able to perform routine checks and other tasks.” Really, where exactly will we get trained staff? The old Nightingales were an expensive waste of our money.