6th November 2023

Failings in maternity care – Why?
For years there have been calls for the government to deal with the shortage of midwives. There’s been a sequence of scandals across the country; in all regions the Royal College of Midwives have called for action, with no effective response from government. Now parents of babies who have died are demanding that ministers order a public inquiry into repeated failings in NHS maternity units.

How to improve nurses staff shortage
Prior to 2017 student nurses were given given a non-means tested grant of £1,000 per year in addition to a means tested annual bursary of up to £8,750 and also had their tuition paid directly to their higher education institution by Health Education England. George Osborne changed this, nurses now must take out a student loan leading to a debt of £47,000 to £50,000. Labour are considering plams for newly qualified doctors and nurses in England to have their student loans written off.

Peer Mone finally admits involvement in PPE firm
Despite denying all this time, Conservative peer Michelle Mone has owned up, “…she acted as an intermediary/liaison between PPE Medpro and the Cabinet Office/Department of Health and Social Care”. Mone and her husband secretly received tens of millions of pounds from PPE Medpro’s profits.

Stop Palantir, sign up
Please add your name to a new emergency petition calling for the NHS Palantir data takeover to be dropped. Palantir, a dodgy US spy tech corporation, is the worst kind of company to let anywhere near our NHS. But not only that – it would lock in a costly plan for NHS data that lacks safeguards to protect our data from private companies.