8th April 2022

The state of the NHS after 12 Tory years
Yes Covid has provided cover for Tory mismanagement and underfunding, but this is the current state of the NHS. Firstly, families have been asked to take in Covid-positive loved ones. Secondly, staff shortages that were there even before the pandemic have caused cancer patients face delays, and thirdly, swamped mental health services are turning children away.

Falling public satisfaction after 12 Tory years
At 36%, overall satisfaction with the NHS is at its lowest level since 1997. Importantly. the British public do not want an insurance based health system; it wants a taxation-based adequately-funded health service.

The Tories created the NHS crisis
Opinion piece it may be, but you know it’s true. “Ministers can blame Covid, but the NHS was already plagued with a 4.4m waiting list. There are fewer doctors, nurses, beds and intensive care places than in comparable countries”.

Javid cuts NHS funding, then gives it 13 objectives!!
This article is behind a pay wall, but you see enough. The government has cut NHS funding for 2022-23 by £330 million. It then gives it 13 objectives that includes “recovering and maintaining non-covid service delivery”. Achievable?

Odd way to thank staff: free parking stopped
Parking fees were waived for workers for hospital workers on the Covid-19 frontline in July 2020, but health secretary Sajid Javid has put a stop to it.