8th September 2022

A health system on its knees
A record 132,139, 10% of all NHS posts, were vacant in June. The fact is that the service has gone from rude health to the brink of collapse in a decade; the cause – Tory underfunding. So please don’t swallow the Tory mantra they love the NHS, it’s a lie. The Truss hard right hate the notion of providing health services free and funded by general taxation.

Coffey: care homes to be paid to take NHS patients
The new health secretary is examining proposals to pay care homes in England to look after patients who are medically fit to leave hospital. Whereas Truss has said “I will make sure that people can get doctors’ appointments”. Where will she get the GPs from?

Coffey doesn’t have a plan to increase GP numbers
Prime Minister Liz Truss yesterday listed improving access to GP appointments as one of her three key priorities. But, interviewed on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme this morning new health secretary Coffey seemed to have yet to research the topic. Still, it got a headline in the media.

Why virtual wards won’t solve the crisis
Virtual wards is another example of a headline grabbing promise without the planning and resources to back it up. For community teams to function effectively, they would need support in the form of better regional collaboration and clinical networking across health boards, investment in training more clinicians to work in the community, and closer working relationships between nurses, GPs, therapists, social care.