9th August 2022

Anything rather than fund NHS adequately
As NHS staff battle to keep patients services afloat, right wing politicians and pundits see the worsening crisis that has been created by a decade of underfunding as a possible opportunity to rehearse more of their ideas for NHS “reform”.

Privatisation results in wasteful litigation
This is behind a paywall but tells of the overhead expenses that competitve tendering produces. The contract to the current provider of services in women’s prison in South Gloucestershire wasn’t renewed and former Care UK now Practice Plus Group has lodged a High Court claim against the national commissioner.

Preoccupied by tax cuts Tory leaders ignore the NHS crisis
In 2010 Labour bequeathed an NHS with its lowest ever waiting times, highest patient satisfaction, lowest use of private operations and, yes, it almost reached EU levels of spending. Now starved of money since 2010, the NHS is failing as never before.