9th May 2024

Kings Fund: “You get what you pay for”
Siva Anandaciva, Chief Analyst at the Kings Fund: “We spend below average on our health service compared to our peers, so it’s not surprising that we have fewer hospital beds, doctors, nurses, MRI/CT scanners.”

Killings spotlight poor mental health services
The Hainault tragedy is the latest in a series of high-profile killings that have focused public attention on the adequacy of mental health treatment and care. NHS mental health services are struggling to cope with resource shortages and increasing demand for care.

Cuts will result in patient deaths
After recruiting staff to address the increasing waiting lists hospital trusts are being forced to cut medical staff, threatening their ability to care for patients, senior health leaders have warned.

Private company in contract breach
Private providers requested authorisation for a change of control and a due diligence exercise began to assess the new owner, but they went ahead anyway without it.

Hospital ceiling falls in
Ceilings have fallen in at two key units of an NHS hospital, forcing it to evacuate patients and cancel X-rays and scans. Stepping Hill hospital in Stockport is plagued by leaks and major structural defects, prompting claims it is dangerous for both patients and staff.