Health News Blog

Edited by Ken Kirk

Copy of FUND OUR NHS (8)

28th June 2021

NHS England to control ICS procurement
This gives us an insight into how ICS will operate. The article is behind a paywall but tells that NHSE considers many ICSs are "struggling to make key changes ....[owing to] the scale and complexity of the change required for ICS procurement."

Outsourcing experiment proves a failure
This article is behind a pay-wall, but in essence, a fifth acute hospital in London has brought hospital cleaning and catering in-house - time and again privatisation gives a poorer service with staff exploited on poverty wages. Sign a petition in support of workers in Airedale hospital demanding their trust brings sub-co cleaning and catering workers in-house.

Open letter on GP data grab
Here's an open letter to all GP Practices working in the NHS to highlight data concerns that have been planned by NHS Digital. Patients should be aware of the how their data is used. It questions whether NHS Digital has publicised the data transfer, what will actually be shared and with whom?

Is a Tory storm brewing over new NHS bill?
An assistant editor to The Spectator tells us that the new NHS bill with give huge new powers to the Health Secretary, he can control NHS England, interfere in local reconfigurations and abolish arm’s length bodies. And is it going to integrate health and social care as formerly claimed? Where's the plan Johnson?

Nurse's petition for a decent pay rise gets three quarters million signatures
Matthew Tovey works in the Cwm Taf health board and started the petition to raise support for a 15% pay increase for health workers across the board. So far it has amassed three quarter of a million signatures.

Number of doctors retiring early trebles
When you hear government claims about the number of doctors joining the profession, ask yourself is this a net increase? While 401 GPs and hospital doctors took early retirement in 2007-08, that number had soared to 1,358 in 2020-21 – an increase of 239% in 13 years. Doctors who quit before they are due to retire are also getting younger, the average age is now just 59