Health News Blog

Edited by Ken Kirk

Copy of FUND OUR NHS (8)

7th February 2023

RCN: "Match Wales and we'll call it off"
...but Sunak won't! He's boxed himself into a corner and he can't back down, otherwise the right of his parliamentary party will slaughter him. Meanwhile just visit a hospital picket line, the passing traffic honking is deafening, public support is still strong.

Deadlock over strikes "putting patients at risk"
Deadlock over NHS pay is putting patients in danger say chief nurses. Unions have warned that the government is making no moves towards resolving the strikes; One general secretary accuses the government of lying about negotiating.

Sunak's NHS solution, "Ramp up private medicine"
Sunak's ideas are to leave the NHS struggling with underfunding and to pump more of the NHS budget into private provision.

US health system on it's way to UK?
With so-called Integrated Care arriving, just re-badged US Accoutable Care, this writer examines the world's most inefficient and unfair heath service, the US's.

Is Ireland's system so great?
Sajid Javid sang the praises of fees for GP and hospital visits. “Take Ireland where some people are entitled to free healthcare based on household income." But is Ireland's health system as good as he claims?




30th January 2023

Coroner issues 'risk of future deaths'
Lyn Brind, 61, was taken to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in King’s Lynn with chest pains but could not be admitted because the hospital had “no space”. She died after a 4 hour wait in an ambulance. The coroner took the unusual step of writing to Steve Barclay to raise concerns about the NHS and social care. Will he do anything to genuinely improve things?

Ambulance waits: 57000 patients at risk of harm'
Thousands of people suffered harm as a result of delays in ambulances handing over patients to A&E teams in December. Here's an example, who's responsible for this state of affairs?

Another headline grabbing plan
The government have come up with a crackpot 'hospitals at home' plan, patients cared for by video link. I suppose it makes it look as if they're doing something.

Labour taken to task over their "plans"
Keir Starmer’s prescription for the NHS is both vacuous and dangerous. The major “reform” needed is significant long-term investment to reverse the managed decline initiated by Tory austerity measures.

23rd January 2023

Emergency delays: 500 patients dying each week
Long waits in A&E were linked to increased mortality and somewhere between 300 to 500 people a week are dying as a consequence. It's a political choice, says the BMA, not to tackle the intolerable pressure on the NHS.

Nurses and paramedics pay: a fact sheet
The Health Foundation calculates that real terms basic pay for nurses has fallen by almost 10% since 2012. Nurses’ real pay is down £4,300 and paramedics’ real pay is down £5,600. Of course, pay is not the only issue; stress due to unfilled staff vacancies weighs heavily on staff morale.

NHS in crisis: how it got to this
There were no 40 hour waits for ambulances prior to May 2010, and no 24 hour waits in A&E. Very few patients exceeded the 4 Hour A&E wait target, until George Osborne’s austerity regime halted the decade of investment in the NHS and ushered in a decade of decline. The crisis was "year's in the making" says John Lister.

Streeting's self referral idea demolished
Wes Streeting has proposed that NHS patients should be allowed to refer themsleves directly to hospital consultants. This idea has not been well received by the GP community. His comments demonstrate a failure to understand the workings of the service over which he’d one day like to preside.

Private healthcare nets £40 million profit
..and pays directors £621,000. Virgin Care, now rebranded as HCRG Care Group, earnt huge sums of money from the NHS and local councils in 2021/22 thanks to more than 35 contracts.

The NHS we need
Read the leaflet written by Keep Our NHS Public that states the founding principles of the NHS - a comprehensive service entirely publicly-run and publicly-funded from general taxation - and to which it should be returned.



30th December 2022

Public support for striking nurses
Half of voters think the government should negotiate on pay, even if that means having to award more than the pay body recommends. Only 23% think they should not negotiate with unions.

NHS in crisis: Barclay gets a telling off
A mother of a three year old with systic fibrosis rebukes the health secretary about the state of our NHS.

"I regularly see colleagues in tears..."
A consultant says "How does NHSE suggest we respond to these strikes? Suggests that hospitals move patients out of emergency departments in preparation or open extra beds. Oh, and try not to cancel any planned care while you’re at it. To say I find this insulting is an understatement."

No money for nurses as billionaires wealth rises
Nurse with 30 years service: "“I will arrive just before 7am, leave at 7.30pm, and take my full 30-minute unpaid meal break." Her annual leave has been taken in two or three-day snatches, whenever staffing allowed.

Record high as nurse vacancies hit 50,000
The number of unfilled nurse vacancies have risen to a record high of almost 50,000; this as it's revealed that NHS paid £500,000 a year to nurses recruitment agencies. In 2017 the Conservative government abolished the nurse training bursary.

4 in 10 junior doctors plan to quit NHS
A third of junior doctors are planning to work in another country. Four in 10 say that as soon as they can find another job, they will leave the NHS.